Kin #193 Red Spectral Skywalker

“No more stories of the past
I am shedding skins at last
And I realize I’m already in heaven.
The moment I stop running
From the demons in my head
And instead I choose to love them,
When saying yes to Life
Both shadow and Light
My suffering is done and I come alive.”

~ Fia, “Shedding Skins”


Red Spectral Skywalker

I Dissolve in order to Explore,
Releasing Wakefulness.
I seal the Output of Space
With the Spectral tone of Liberation.

I am guided by my own power doubled.

Red Spectral Skywalker

Red Spectral Skywalker Oracle:
Analog – White Worldbridger
Guide – Red Skywalker
Antipode – Blue Night

Occult – Yellow Star

Day 11 of the 13-day Blue Night Wavespell

In business, if a company dissolves then it often is the final step to signify that the company failed.

The same goes for marriage, as the dissolution of that union also represents a failure.

And speaking of unions, when a worker’s union dissolve it carries the same connotation as the dissolving business or marriage, namely, completion.

How then is it possible in today’s affirmation that we dissolve in order to explore? After all, exploration connotates the exact opposite of completion, signifying the beginning of a journey, not the end.

To comprehend this seeming oxymoron requires us to first examine from what position we are doing the comprehending.

Businesses, marriages, and worker’s unions have one thing in common – they are all artificial, meaning that they were created by human beings as opposed to occurring naturally.

When we look at the concept of dissolution -or “breaking apart” – in the natural world, it has a very different connotation:

The egg needs to crack and break open to allow the animal to be birthed and explore the world.

The snake needs to shed her skin so that she may continue to grow and evolve.

The hermit crab finds shelter and protection in abandoned shells, releasing them for a larger home as it literally “grows out of its shell.”

The Red Spectral Skywalker reminds us that we are of the natural world, emanations of an eternal Source Energy like all of Life, and therefore not constricted to the limiting and artificial constructs of the egoic mind.

The opportunity therein is to dissolve the false notion that we are human beings having a spiritual experience, and release the Truth that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

When we disintegrate our limiting beliefs of what we can and can’t do, our Soul is liberated to unfurl its full power and capacity of inspired and loving creation that is aligned with our highest purpose.

And as our True Self is released from these artificial and constricting constructs, we become more awake and aware to the reality of who we actually are and our divine capacity to create the Life that we choose.


Liberation, Wakefulness, Dissolution


1) Write down a list of things in which you’d benefit from dissolving i.e. Fear, doubt, jealousy, etc., and next to it write a list of what opens up for you to explore once they are gone.

2) Listen to “Shedding Skins” by Fia.

Banner of Peace


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